Infinity SEN Solutions


A personally tailored, independent advocacy service to understand the issues facing your child and family, finding creative solutions and exploring the possibilities for making things better and getting results.

This can be achieved through advocacy at meetings, composing requests and responses to relevant professionals and advocacy support to parents / carers through the SEN Tribunal process as required. We develop a detailed understanding and careful solution focused management of each case.

What we do:

  • Personally tailored solution focused advocacy service for parents of children/young people with special educational needs. An initial consultation to include a personal discussion of individual case with advice and recommendations.
  • Review of special educational needs and what support may be required * Current provision and placement issues * EHC Needs assessment process * Preparation for Annual Review * Family support, well-being and access to appropriate respite care.
  • Advocacy at meetings surrounding the Special Educational Needs of your child/young person and support with responses to a range of professionals
  • Draft EHC Plan feedback Provision of a detailed report to the Local Authority with feedback on a draft EHC Plan. This will insist that all identified needs and provision to meet these needs is included in a robust and fully quantified plan
  • We provide advocacy support to parents / carers through the SEN Tribunal process as needed

Our users say:

Sophie's knowledge of the Law in this area and the legal process is excellent. Sophie keeps up to date with the changes in both statutory and case law to ensure the best outcomes for the child and their families."

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07879 660 410

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